
The Weekly Pop Culture Audio Podcast Featuring In-Depth One On One Interviews and Discussions From The Entertainment Worlds Of Genre Fiction-
Comic Books, Novels, Television, Film, Video Games And More. Created In 2005 By Chicago Radio/TV Host John Siuntres

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Friday, September 11, 2015

Word Balloon Podcast Valentine D'Landro Talks Bitch Planet Heath Corson On Bizzaro

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Great conversations this week. First Val Delandro tells us about his comics art career . From drawing backgrounds in a Toronto Studio to Marvel gigs like his long collaboration with Peter David on the X-men book X-Factor. Today Val is co creator of Bitch Planet, the Sci-Fi Prison World Sports epic written by the red hot scribe Kelly Sue DeConnick .

Then writer Heath Corson is back in studio to talk about his current run n the very funny Bizarro with dynamic art by Gustavo Duarte . Heath also talks about recent animated features that are on the market now, including the Tom & Jerry-Jonny Quest crossover SPY QUEST, and the latest Batman Unlimited & Arkham Asylum (the animated precursor to next year's SUICIDE SQUAD film) . Heath is also a great comics podcaster, and he talk about his show The Nerdist Writers Panel Comics Edition

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