
The Weekly Pop Culture Audio Podcast Featuring In-Depth One On One Interviews and Discussions From The Entertainment Worlds Of Genre Fiction-
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Saturday, September 05, 2015

Word Balloon Podcast The Bendis Tapes Summer 2015 So... Any News Lately?

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  • What was scheduled to be a Summer Review of Powers 1st season, Comic Con Stories and a look at Brian's Secret Wars Tie-Ins, all got interrupted with what may be a Major Sea Change in the way Marvel makes movies
  • Big News broke this week that Marvel Film Honcho Kevin Feige has gained independence from Marvel's CEO Ike Perlmutter answering only to Disney CEO Alan Horn. A reported bi-product of this power shift was the apparent dissolution of The Marvel Creative Committee of Bendis, Marvel's Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada and Publisher Dan Buckley. What does this mean for the future Marvel films ? Wasn't the inclusion of input from the comic book makers the difference in Full Fledged Marvel Films versus the failures like Fantastic Four, The Andrew Garfield Spider-Man Films, etc? 

  • During the first 35 minutes of this marathon edition of The Bendis Tapes, I ask Brian questions   regarding the news. Things like,  "How does it impact the future films ? How does his role at Mavrel change ? " . We also talk about new comics Bendis recommends, more Powers TV news and More. Then we present a talk we started to record last month featuring More Powers Behind the scenes talk including upcoming changes in the production of the series, including the inclusion of Comics and TV masterscribe Ben Edlund (The Tick, Buffy, Angel) on the writing staff. plus more talk about Brian's current and future books. It'll play like we're old and don't realize we were talking about these smae books an hour earlier, but the information is more detailed in this earlier conversation. Enjoy! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Enterprise was a really good series and I think its biggest issue was studio meddling. It wasn't supposed to be Kirk 1.0 the fun and interesting premise was that it was supposed to be what would become Star Trek not start out that way. That journey was the series. Manny Coto is a fine show runner but his contribution was to step in take all those studio notes and just make another TOS. With a few exceptions season 4 was derivative and a run of reproductions, down to TOS inspired orchestra soundtracked fight scenes. It was a copy not so new. Season 1 and 2 of Enterprise tried something different and produced some really cool original SciFi.

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