
The Weekly Pop Culture Audio Podcast Featuring In-Depth One On One Interviews and Discussions From The Entertainment Worlds Of Genre Fiction-
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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Word Balloon Podcast Steven Grant On 2 GUNS Kelly Sue DeConnick & Emma Rios Talk PRETTY DEADLY and Kyle Higgins on THE LEAGUE & C.O.W.L.

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On this episode of Word Balloon, Steven Grant returns to discuss his graphic novel 2 GUNS and the new film adaptation from Universal, with Denzel Washington & Mark Wahlberg in theaters now. Grant who many might remember from his Marvel work on Punisher and The Life Of John Paul 2 for Marvel Comics, has been churning out creator owned comics since his days at FIRST in the 1980s. He talks about behind the scene details of the making of the film, and his new sequel series 3 GUNS also from BOOM!Studios, and other past and future comic book projects.

Next Kelly Sue DeConnick & Emma Rios talk about their new Western PRETTY DEADLY from IMAGE. We discuss their influences, and collaboration. Kelly Sue explains why it would really help the future of the comic, if readers would pre-order books, and who the real "customers" are from the publisher's POV.

Check out their pintrest page

Finally comic writer Kyle Higgins is also an aspiring filmmaker. We recently screened his student film THE LEAGUE, a superhero story set in 1960's Chicago at Aw Yeah Comics in Skokie, IL. You'll hear the film's post Q&A with Kyle, and his plans to further the story in a new creator owned series from Image Comics.

1 comment:

Marcus said...

What is the Pinterest link?

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