
The Weekly Pop Culture Audio Podcast Featuring In-Depth One On One Interviews and Discussions From The Entertainment Worlds Of Genre Fiction-
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Word Balloon Podcast CON-versations View From The Floor at C2E2 pt 1 with Gail Simone ME-TV's Svengoolie, NFL star Israel Idonije and more!

The first of 2 podcasts featuring interviews and panels from last weekend's C2E2.

Download The MP3 Here

00:00-5:50     Intro and show notes

  5:51-11:23   Rich Koz, AKA Svengoolie Me-TV's Legendary Horror Movie Host 

11:24-26:05   Fantasy Author Alane Adams (The Red Sun) , on her novel series Legends Of                                 Orkney, and incorporating mobile games to introduce and engage new readers to the                            books!

26:06-34:09   Dan Parent Archie Comics The creator of Kevin Keller, the newest member of the                              Riverdale High kids.

34:10-41;53   Israel Idonije Fmr Chicago Bear talks about his comic creation The Protectors from                        Athleta Comics making its motion comics debut on Madefire

41;54-50:31   Mike Choi Marvel Comics Artist (X-Men)  talks about returining to comics doing                             Iron Man Covers, doing creator owned vs corporate comics  and leaving the video game                       world

50:32-59:04   Onrie Kompin Comic writer talks about is creator owned comic series Yi Soon Shin                          the true life adventures of a Midieval Naval Korean Hero

59:05-104:45 Tony Bedard DC Comics Writer talks about his work on the DC Convergence books                        Aquaman Green Lantern, and more

104:45-end    Gail Simone talks Red Sonja Nightwing and Oracle and the evolution of Women                             Creators in Comics

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