
The Weekly Pop Culture Audio Podcast Featuring In-Depth One On One Interviews and Discussions From The Entertainment Worlds Of Genre Fiction-
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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Romita Jr On Cap & KICK ASS-2 JT KRULL ON ASPEN COMICS and SUPERMAN BEYOND, Art & Franco's Kickstarter Bonanza, and DC Veeps on WTF month

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On this episode of Word Balloon, we check in with John Romita Jr. His current run on CAPTAIN AMERICA takes the character into Dimension Z on a cosmic odyssey with writer Rick Remender. Romita talks about deconstructing the super patriot. Plus we get an update on Kick Ass-2, and John reminisces about his early days in the Marvel Bullpen.

Then JT Krul joins us to promote some new projects at Aspen Comics. A new young adult novel called Lost Spark and a new project to be announced in April. We look at where aspen Comics is today as the company celebrates its 10th anniversary. JT also talks about his current run on SUPERMAN BEYOND , one of the best Superman stories you're not reading.

Art Baltazar & Franco ! join us to talk about their Kickstarter Campaign for AW YEAH COMICS their new kids line of comics starting this spring. We also talk about their current run on SUPERMAN FAMILY ADVENTURES which wraps up in May with some plots twists never seen before in any Superman Comics.

Finally Bob Wayne And John Cunningham of DC Comics join us to talk about the January Sales numbers and the WTF cover promotion happening in April.

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