I can't begin to express my gratitude to the creators who've asked me to moderate their panels and how much I look forward to this year's Comic Con. You can count on recordings of all these panels as upcoming WB eps.

THURSDAY 5:00-6:00 The 5th Annual Comics Podcasting Panel!— Five years ago, the comics podcasting stars came together on one panel for the first time in San Diego, and now they're back to discuss comics, podcasting, and how the comic book industry has changed since that first panel.
Podcasters appearing on the panel include John Siuntres (Word Balloon), Josh Flanagan (iFanboy), Jimmy Aquino (Comic News Insider), Brian "Pants" Christman (Comic Geek Speak), Bob Bretall (The Comic Book Page), and Cameron Hatheway (Cammy's Comic Corner). Don't miss your chance to see all your favorite podcasters on one panel! Room 32AB

FRIDAY 12:30-1:30 Spotlight on the Immonens: Sex, Lies and Comic Books—
Kathryn Immonen (Heralds) and Stuart Immonen (New Avengers) enter the ring with the peerless John Siuntres (wordballoon.com) to talk about working for Marvel, publishing with Top Shelf, and sleeping with the enemy. See new work unveiled! Bring your questions! Room 9

SATURDAY 12:30-1:30 Spotlight on Brian Michael Bendis—
The controversial Marvel writer and Comic-Con special guest Brian Michael Bendis turns his spotlight panel into a live taping of the popular Word Balloon Bendis Tapes. Word Balloon podcast host John Siuntres will moderate the panel and take questions from the audience, with nothing off limits. Bendis will also be giving away limited-edition variant covers of his new creator-owned series Scarlet. Room 6DE
1 comment:
Great meeting you at the Con, John! Have loads of fun!
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