Downlaod The Episode Here
On this edition of Word Balloon, coverage of this year's FX International Con in Orlando, Fl.
You'll hear floor chats with Jeremy Haun, who talks about drawing the Batman-Battle For The Cowl One-Shot Arkham Asylum, written by David Hine, and drawing the Top Cow series Berserker written by Rick Loverd . Haun calls the Arkham One-Shot "A great horror story. I got to draw some of my favorite does focus on the events after Arkham explodes in the first issue of Battle For the Cowl...with hints of what we'll see in the future (Bat books) ."
Marvel writer Jonathon Hickman talks about Secret Warriors & his work on the Fantastic Four Dark Reign series and taking over the main FF book following Mark Millar and Brian Hitch "After the events of Civil War and Secret Invasion I thought there was a real opportunity to do a lot of FF closure in the Dark reign series . The first arc of the regular series will be called "solve everything", and Reed sets out to do so."
Artist Ben Templesmith talks about his IDW work on Wormwood, Doctor Who, and Groom Lake, plus answers the perennial question will he and writer Warren Ellis be doing more issues of their Image series Fell?
"There is more Fell(to come), whenever Warren wants to do it, I'm doing it."
Writer Christos Gage discusses his IDW GI Joe work, his coming Avatar series Absolution, His WILDCATS work for Wildstorm, and Marvel books.
On Avengers: The Initiative "Somehow a rumor got started that the Initiative was being cancelled, but that's not true, the only way it will be cancelled is if people think it's cancelled and stop buying it...We're actually starting an exciting period...the initiative is now run by Norman Osborn, so they're now training villains to be dark avengers and appear to be heroic while still being bad on the down low...Some former members are going underground to rebel against the new initiative directive. Tigra will be looking for some payback after her beating from The Hood."
On the upcoming mini series House Of M:Masters Of Evil "What were the villains doing in the House Of M world. The Hood has assembled a gang of villains including Absorbing Man Titania, Crossbones The Sandman, Batroc The Leaper...they get together to steal, in a world where Magneto's army comes down on them hard...the non mutant world starts to mistake their rebellion as being heroic, so they start to plan the scam of a lifetime."
Avatar comics publisher William Christensen talks about Warrens Eilis's Ignition City, Freak Angels, and how Avatar has changed their image from the "Bad Girl" books, to their current line of unfettered stories by today's top creators. Writer artist Mike Wolfer talks about his work with Eilis on the Avatar Series Gravel .
And, Jim McCann checks in to discuss his New Avengers:The Reunion mini series for Marvel.
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