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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

FX Con-The Whedonverse Panel & View From The Con Floor

Word Balloon's coverage of the FX con continues with a panel exploring the Whedonverse. Three actors from the various Joss whedon fantasy tv shows. From Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Nicholas Brandon who played Zander, Elizabeth Rohm, Kate from Angel, and Serena Sotherlyn from Law and Order.Nathan Fillion currently playing Adam mayfair on desperate housewives, but better known to the whedon fans as the evil preacher Caleb on Buffy, and Captain Mal from firefly, and the film Serenity. some cast news from the panel... Fillion will be the voice of Steve Trevor in the upcoming DC direct to video Wonder Woman animated film, with his Waitress co-star Keri Russell as the AmazonSuperhero, and the indie film Trucker Rohm's 2007 series Big Shots was cancelled by ABC, but she'll co-star with Danny & Angelica Huston, in the upcoming motion picture The Kreutzer Sonata. Brendan has two films in post production, The Portal, and Blood On The Highway. Then the show switches to the FX con floor, featuring interviews with Gene Ha (Top 10) Freddie Williams (The Flash, Robin) Derrick Fish (Dandy & Company) and Shannon Chenoworth (The Line, Supersonic).

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